
Monday, September 23, 2024

Moment of Oneness, September 25, 2024 - prepared by Mary Theresa Streck

Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772
To connect by phone dial: +1 646 558 8656

Prayer Leader: Welcome to our mid-week prayer in the Season of Creation. With open hearts, we pray:

Holy One, as a community, we gather in the power of the Spirit, refreshing wind, purifying fire and flowing water, for the variety and diversity of Creation. We seek to live as Jesus taught us, wise and holy as Spirit-filled people, courageous and prophetic, ever obedient to your call.

Reader 1: A reading from the Hebrew Scriptures:  Psalm 8

from Psalms for Praying by Nan Merrill

O Love, my Beloved, how powerful is your Name in all the Earth! 

You, whose glory is sung in heaven by the angels and saints.

When I look up at the heavens at the work of Loves creation, 

at the Infinite variety of your plan, what is woman that you rejoice in her, and man that you delight in him? 

You have made us in your image, you fill us with Your love; You have made us co-creators of the earth, guardians of the planet, to care for all your creatures, to tend the land, the sea, and the air we breathe; all that You have made, you have placed in our hands. 

O Love, my Beloved how powerful is Your name in all the earth!

Prayer Leader:  We are called to live the Gospel of Creation in harmony and gratitude with all our sisters and brothers across the Earth. Let us pray this beautiful Prayer of Jesus created by Lynn Kinlan for the Season of Creation: 

Reader 2: Generous Creator, the intricate and elegant biodiversity of our world is your hallowed autograph on our lives, on our souls and in our hearts. 

We yearn for the wholeness of being in harmony with Your will and with all living things. 

Each day we draw on your creative, life-giving energy with gratitude, joy, and awe as we find nourishment in seed and field, river and forest. 

May we be stewards and co-creators with you in caring for the gifts of Your Creation.  

We acknowledge our shortcomings, especially our neglect of the environment. We seek to be reconciled with those we have hurt and we resolve to do better.  

With your unfailing wisdom and the wind of Your Spirit, inspire us that we may reach out and love one another and care for the world, our home.

Strengthen us to work for local and global justice so that we may one day reap a harvest of equality and fairness as if they were wildflowers, propagating spontaneously, unerringly and in surprising abundance. Amen.

Closing Song: Canticle of the Feathered Ones by Sara Thomsen and video by Denise Hackert-Stoner

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