
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Moment of Oneness, May 29, 2024 - Prepared by Jean Talbot

Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772
To connect by phone dial: +1 646 558 8656

“There will be no love dying here!”   

Opening Prayer: 

My soul will not be quieted.

It is a restless seeker for the Love that only it remembers from the womb.

When, my Beloved, will I see your face and feel your presence within me?

With gratitude and love I extol your steadfast hold of me as I walk and rest throughout the day and night.

Beloved, let not my fear and sorrow of these times keep me from radiating your light.

Strengthen and guide me dearest Creator and Oneness of all things. In you, I hope. (Psalm 42- Reinterpreted in a Pandemic, Deven Horne)


 "...the expression of sorrow is an expression of love. You mourn what you love. Grief for the world and love for the world are two sides of the same coin. Inseparable…. If you try to pave over the pain because it hurts or pathologize it or drug it then you are losing touch with that great love which, as you experience it, is the great reciprocity at the heart of the universe. It is a two-way street. As you allow yourself to love your world it is loving you back. It is here to discover like jewels in this time of darkness"
                                                                                                                                                                     - Joanna Macy

Silent Reflection


Warrior-Spirit Prayer of Awakening. . . . Response – May it be so.

May all beings be granted the strength, determination and wisdom to extinguish anger and reject violence as a way. Response – May it be so.

May all suffering cease and may I seek, find, and fully realize the love and compassion that already lives within me and allow them to inspire and permeate my every action. Response – May it be so.

May I exercise the precious gift of choice and the power to change [as] that which makes me uniquely human and is the only true path to liberation. Response – May it be so.

May I swiftly reach complete, effortless freedom so that my fearless, unhindered action be of benefit to all. Response – May it be so.

May I lead the life of a warrior. Response – May it be so.

Rev. angel Kyodo williams, Sensei

Silence to add your own intentions.

Closing Prayer: 

Beloved soul mate, you have time and time again showed us how much you love us through your suffering with us and your celebration with us. You have told us not to be afraid and that just as you have cared for the single feather on each bird’s head and each blade of grass and flower in all of your creation, so too do you love deeply for us. May we hold tightly to this promise and walk with faith in your love in this community ever planting your desires.

Song – There Will Be No Love Dying Here by Gregory Porter 

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