
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Upper Room Thanksgiving Service, November 24, 2022 - Presiders: Debra Trees and Stephen Trimboli

Please join us between 9:30 and 9:55 am via Zoom

Here is the Zoom link: 
phone-in for (audio only). Phone Number: (646) 558-8656

Meeting ID: 825 1215 9155

Welcome and Opening Prayer:

Good morning, everyone. We are so grateful to be here with you all online or on Zoom. Welcome to this Thanksgiving Service from the Upper Room. We will be keeping to less than 30 minutes so that you can head back to your busy day. 

Gratefulness has many derivations and is rooted in the Latin word, gratia, which translates to grace. How apropos then that some health studies point to a happier life when we practice gratitude regularly. (See Harvard Health Publishing, August 14, 2021).

As we quiet our minds to be here, let’s take a deep breath, feet on the floor, and remember our blessings…

Blessings, by Hollow Cove.

♪ Sunlight fell and reminded me ♪

♪ That life can be so gracious sometimes ♪

♪ And I felt like everything ♪

♪ Around me was connected somehow ♪    ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ At night I hear the rhythm of the ocean ♪

♪ As it breaks on the shore ♪

♪ And I think about all the things ♪

♪ That I am grateful for ♪

♪ And they say, hold on to the ones you love ♪

♪ Keep ‘em close to you ♪

♪ And they say, hold on to this time we have ♪

♪ And let the light shine through ♪

♪ Sometimes I get a little bit emotional ♪

♪ When I see love unfold ♪

♪ Two hearts bound by reflections ♪

♪ Of the memories they’ll forever hold ♪

♪ And they say, hold on to the ones you love ♪

♪ Keep ’em close to you ♪

♪ And they say, hold on to this time we have ♪

♪ And let the light shine through ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ There are blessings all around you ♪

♪ Open up your eyes ♪

♪ Feel the sunlight fall upon you ♪

♪ Let it free your mind ♪

♪ There are blessings all around you ♪

♪ Take a step outside ♪

♪ Let your heart shine in a new light ♪

♪ See it come alive ♪

♪ They say, hold on to the ones you love ♪

♪ Keep ‘em close to you ♪

♪ They say, hold on to this time we have ♪

♪ And let the light shine through ♪

Our First Reading is a poem from Mary Oliver

The Sun

Have you ever seen


in your life

more wonderful

than the way the sun,

every evening,

relaxed and easy,

floats towards the horizon

and into the clouds or the hills,

or the rumpled sea,

and is gone ---

and how it slides again

out of the blackness,

every morning,

on the other side of the world,

like a red flower

streaming upward on its heavenly oils,

say, on a morning and early summer,

at its perfect imperial distance ---

and have you ever felt for anything

such wild love---

do you think there was anywhere, in any language,

a word billowing enough

for the pleasure

that fills you, 

as the sun

reaches out,

as it warms you

as you stand there,


or have you too

turned from this world---

or have you too

gone crazy

for power,

for things?

Alleluia: Deb

Our Gospel Reading is from Luke, (17:11-19)  (Steve)

On the way to Jerusalem Jesus passed between Samaria and Galilee. 

As he was entering a village, ten people with virulent skin disease met him. Standing still, some distance off, they called out loudly: “Jesus! Master! Pity us!” 

When Jesus saw them, he said: “Go and show yourselves to the priest.” And, as they were on their way, they were made clean. 

One of them, finding he was healed, came back, praising God loudly, and threw himself on his face at Jesus’s feet, thanking him for what he had done; and this man was a Samaritan. 

“Were not all the ten made clean?” exclaimed Jesus. “But the nine—where are they? Were there none to come back and praise God except this foreigner? 

Get up,” he said to him, “and go on your way. Your confidence has delivered you.”

These are the words attributed to Luke, and we affirm them by saying, AMEN. (as shared in the New New Testament compiled by Hal Taussig)

Short Homily Reflection (Deb):

I used to have trouble coming up with things to be grateful for. I am not sure why that would be so, because now I can’t imagine not walking in gratitude every minute. One of my spiritual directors gently suggested that I bring gratitude to the forefront by going through the alphabet and finding one thing for each letter! It was a great exercise for me, and just what I needed to prime my soul for the grace of awareness. Jesus knew this so well and tried to help us understand how important saying thank you really is.

Since a shared homily today may send us over our limits, I ask you to take some time on your own, or with your friends and family, to say Thank you, and to say how much you love and appreciate each other. Remember the many blessings we are always given, often without even being aware of the effects, like the energy and warmth of the sun and the Holy One Who sustains us. 

Happy Thanksgiving.

May we have a moment of silence as we think of our intentions and prepare for our day.

Prayer of Jesus (adapted by Miriam Therese Winters)

O Holy One, who is within, around and among us.

We celebrate your many names.

Your Wisdom Come. Your will be done,

Unfolding from the depths within us.

Each day you give us all that we need.

You remind us of our limits, and we let go.

You support us in our power, and we act with courage.

For you are the dwelling place within us,

The empowerment around us,

And the celebration among us,

Now and forever. Amen.

Closing Blessing:

May we each remember our many blessings as we go through this Thanksgiving Day and through the year. 

May our lives reflect our awareness of the amazing gifts we receive just by being here on this planet and with each other.

May we continue to always share the blessings we have with those around us since we know that everything is holy now. Peace.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Everything is Holy Now sung by Peter Mayer

When I was a boy, each week

On Sunday, we would go to church

And pay attention to the priest

He would read the holy word

And consecrate the holy bread

And everyone would kneel and bow

Today the only difference is

Everything is holy now

Everything, everything

Everything is holy now

When I was in Sunday school

We would learn about the time

Moses split the sea in two

Jesus made the water wine

And I remember feeling sad

That miracles don't happen still

But now I can't keep track

'Cause everything's a miracle

Everything, Everything

Everything's a miracle

Wine from water is not so small

But an even better magic trick

Is that anything is here at all

So the challenging thing becomes

Not to look for miracles

But finding where there isn't one

When holy water was rare at best

It barely wet my fingertips

But now I have to hold my breath

Like I'm swimming in a sea of it

It used to be a world half there

Heaven's second rate hand-me-down

But I walk it with a reverent air

'Cause everything is holy now

Everything, everything

Everything is holy now

Read a questioning child's face

And say it's not a testament

That'd be very hard to say

See another new morning come

And say it's not a sacrament

I tell you that it can't be done

This morning, outside I stood

And saw a little red-winged bird

Shining like a burning bush

Singing like a scripture verse

It made me want to bow my head

I remember when church let out

How things have changed since then

Everything is holy now

It used to be a world half-there

Heaven's second rate hand-me-down

But I walk it with a reverent air

'Cause everything is holy now.

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