
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Moment of Oneness, November 30, 2022

Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772
To connect by phone dial: +1 646 558 8656

Reading: Romans 15:13  “May the God of hope fill you with such peace and joy in your faith, that you may be filled with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

As we waddle past Thanksgiving with full tummies and hearts full of gratitude, we are almost magnetically drawn to the preparation and anticipation of Christmas   I would like to take tonight’s few moments together to step back and bring an awareness and honoring to the reality that for many, these holidays are not always “Happy” Thanksgiving and “Merry” Christmas. Let us also take every opportunity to be the hope, peace, love, and joy of Advent for each other.

Jean:  Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk provides a beautiful example of experiencing the joy no matter what is going on in our lives.  Thich Nhat Hanh endured all kinds of hardships, including the deaths at the hands of the French, Americans and Vietnamese of his family members and friends.  An orphanage that he started was bombed.  And yet he was a walking example of joy and gratitude.  When asked how he survived such difficulties with such peace and love in his heart, he replied that every morning he would ask himself what he could count on that day; sometimes all it was the blue sky and the brown earth, and the fact that he was still breathing in and out.  But in counting his blessings, he reconnected to the miracle that he was, at least for the present moment, still alive in this beautiful world.  “Suffering is not enough.  Life is both dreadful and wonderful,” he reminded us.  “How can I smile when I am filled with so much sorrow? It is natural – you need to smile to your sorrow because you are more than our sorrow.”

That’s what we’re all called upon to do – to notice what we can appreciate right now, no matter what else is going on in our lives.   Adapted from Giving Thanks: The Gift of Gratitude by MJ Ryan

Let us take a Moment of Silence to listen to our hearts

Ann:  Joan Chittister says, “Grief is a process of many stages and no guaranteed cutoff points.  When something happens that in our minds should not have happened – a child dies, a group betrays us, a loved one leaves – there is no charting the time it will take to recover.  There is only the sure knowledge that we can recover if for no other reason than that so many have.  Once we realize that everything we touch is in the act of disappearing, we shall touch it more intensely.  The very thought of grief prepares us to live well.”

Terri:  Part of living well, we at The Upper Room have recognized, is challenging ourselves not only to see the face of the Holy One in all we meet, but also, as Denise so beautifully shared Sunday, we are challenged to open our eyes to the light in every small gesture:  a kind word…listening with a open mind and hear…In the darkest times, ‘let’s be ready for the light when we see it.  Let’s allow that light to brighten a path to salvation: both for the opportunity to give it and for the blessing to receive it.”

As we reflect on the beauty of this Season, and the gift we are to each other may we shine the light of our God on anyone experiencing loneliness or sadness; may we hold them in our heart and offer our friendship

May we constantly practice being a light, if only a small flashlight, lighting each other’s path

May we open our eyes to see and respond to the needs -  silent as well as spoken or witnessed, in our family, our community and our world 

May we come to realize and live the belief that we are more than our sorrow

May we notice every little moment that we can appreciate right now, no matter what else is going on in our lives.

May we, as did Thich Nhat Hanh, count our blessings so we reconnect to the miracle that we are alive in this beautiful world

May we see all people, including ourselves, as reflecting the Face of God

May we be healed and may we be a source of healing in our world…we truly do have everything we need to do just that.

Closing Song: Everything We Need by Carrie Newcomer 


Closing Reflection:  May we be and share with everyone we meet, the hope, peace, love, and joy of this Advent Season.

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