Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772
To connect by phone dial: +1 646 558 8656
Opening prayer: Holy One, we believe that you are leading us and we know that you are always doing something before we are aware of it. Your spirit encourages us to let go of anxiety knowing that you give us all that we need. We know that others are engaged in the same questions and concerns and are also being led by Your Divine Love. May we be one. Amen
Reading: A reading from Field of Compassion, by Judy Cannato
“It seems that in the 1980s a small group of people gathered in a church basement in East Germany to engage the question: “What will Germany be like a thousand years from now when the Berlin Wall finally falls?” At the time the notion seemed an utter impossibility. The country was rooted in communism, in the iron-clad grip of the Soviet Union. And yet these folks engaged the question: “What will Germany be like a thousand years from now when the Berlin Wall finally falls?”
According to the story, the group felt energized by the discussion and agreed to meet again. Word of their gathering spread, and soon church basements all over Germany were filled with those who dreamed of unity and reconciliation. Over the next few years, a grassroots movement grew. Ordinary people met, prayed, organized. They committed their minds and hearts to the dream. Then in 1987, seemingly out of the blue, Mikhail Gorbachev announced the economic reforms known as perestroika. In Poland the Solidarity Movement pushed the Soviet Union out, and a new democracy was born. One event followed the next, and on November 9, 1989---much sooner than a thousand years-----the Berlin Wall came down.
The transformation happened because the time was ripe and ordinary people carried within themselves an extraordinary dream.”
Reflection: We are in what Richard Rohr refers to as our “hot-mess times”. Like those who engaged the question about life after the Berlin Wall, we engage the questions of our day.
What will life be like when voting rights are no longer a question, but a “given”?
What will life be like when the wall at our Southern border is dismantled?
And what about the invisible walls we put up in families and communities?
The real question becomes “can we imagine it; can we hold the image that carries the dream of wholeness?”
Moment of silence
We imagine equality, safety, security, and compassion for all.
May it be so
We imagine a world where love, peace and justice flourishes.
May it be so
We imagine oneness with the natural world.
May it be so
Reading: A reading by Jan Phillips
The future ahead of us is the future we create every day, in our workplaces, our families, our encounters with strangers and friends.
Our real work is to imagine the life we want to live and draw it toward us.
It is not to look behind us to see how they did it before, not to rustle through old texts for solutions, but to re-examine everything we’ve been taught and dismiss whatever divides us from one another.
Closing prayer: by Judy Cannato
God of all creation, you call each of us to evolve, to recognize that you hold all this is in your loving embrace. As we grow in your love, may we learn to hold others in an ever-expanding embrace as well. May we see the entire sweep of history as your self-communication that calls us to awaken to who we are in you---and who you are in us. In the mutual embrace that we share, may we together hold the entire cosmos, each and every person, each and every creature, in a way that nurtures and sustains and calls forth the gifts that are given for all. May each of us participate fully in a personal evolution that transforms us and transforms the world. Amen.
Closing song: Imagine, by John Lennon
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