
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Moment of Oneness, July 31, 2024 - created by Jeannie Albert

Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772
To connect by phone dial: +1 646 558 8656

Invitation to Holy Mystery

Opening Prayer: Here we are at the mid -point of summer. It is a good place to stop and take stock. Are we letting the days drift by in a haze or noticing our Mysterious God of summer inviting us to a deeper seeing? 

Opening Song: Let Go of the Shore (Karen Drucker)

A Wildness; Experiencing Amazement*

There is a wildness in your Divine Mystery, my God,

a seeming randomness in the beauty of this world

as well as in every frightening disaster,

an oddness and awesome violence in the process of evolution,

an originality in creation-that outflanks all our expectations.

We would tame you, Free and Holy One, and domesticate you

but the effort fails.

The world you’ve put us into is inexhaustibly awesome and surprising and it speaks of creative forces ever more unknown and unintelligible to us. Wild, Fascinating Artist Creator of everything,

guide our hearts and heads as we speak of you and to you:

we know not who you are, where you are, how you can be what-and whatever-you are.

Rather than seek to break our idols from the past,

give us evermore meaningful bridges of imagination.

True, we will never know you clearly in idols or icons

but we seem to have no other path:

our minds reach out for images,

seeing your “words” everywhere,

spoken in what you have created.

Guide our hearts, Holy Mystery, that they may not be overly grave or compulsively serious.

We would harmonize with your own freedom and randomness,

trusting our future to your perfect care.

You are our God.

ALL: Free Creative Wisdom, guiding, freeing 

in you we live and move and have our being. 


Summer Petitions (abridged)

May you breathe in the beauty of summer with its power of transformation.

May this beauty permeate all that feels un-beautiful in you.

ALL: May the God of summer give us beauty.

May you seek and find spaces of repose during these summer months.

May these moments refresh and restore the tired places within you.

ALL: May the God of summer give us rest.

May you feel the energy of summer rains penetrating thirsty gardens, golf courses, lawns and farmlands. May these rains remind you that your inner thirst needs quenching. May your inner self be refreshed, restored and renewed,

All: May the God of summer give us what we need for healing.

May you enjoy the unexpected and find surprises of beauty and happiness as you travel the roads on summer vacation.

All: May the God of summer lead us to amazing discoveries as we travel the inner roads of our soul as well.

Petitions: For whom or what would you like to pray?

Leader: We gather these prayers, spoken and unspoken and lift them to the Holy One.

Today is actually the feast day of St Ignatius of Loyola. He was instrumental in showing Ignatian spiritual directors how to invite people to discern the movement of the Spirit within. The closing song is rather reflective and so I invite you to spend a couple minutes allowing yourself sit in the Holy after we say good bye to each other. Ponder your day. Where did you reflect Gods love to yourself or others? Where are there feelings, buttons, or anxiety which needs to be explored? 

As evening shadows begin to lengthen and night approaches, we surrender to Holy Mystery who holds us in love.

Closing Song: God Beyond All Names by Bernadette Farrell

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