
Monday, August 23, 2021

Moment of Oneness - August 25, 2021

Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772

To connect by phone dial: +1 646 558 8656“Let there be light”

Opening Prayer: My Beloved Mystery of Light and Compassion, allow me to be present in this moment and to receive the grace of this moment, to courageously permit it to flow through me. Fill me up with your light so that I may see the path ahead of me and those you have put along my path to ignite a light upon all with compassion and service.

Reading: No such thing as Simple Acts of Compassion by Caroline Myss from Intimate Conversations with the Divine

There is no such thing as a simple act of compassion or an inconsequential act of service, is there Lord? Everything we do for another person has infinite consequences, for that person and for us. The light from stars long ago exploded can be seen in the celestial realm, traveling in all directions, with nothing to stop its journey. I believe that it is the nature of our sacred light. We journey forever, even after our form implodes from exhaustion. Still, our light will continue. Particles of our light sparkle with every choice we make, every idea we have, every gift of love we share. We are living sparklers setting off eternal flames, reigniting another person’s weakening ability to love, or to try again, or to get up and walk another step. There is not such things as a small spark. When I hold that image in my head, Lord, my soul is filled with awe. We can so easily do so much for so many. It takes so very little effort to generate a spark of light from within, and it goes on forever within the soul of another human being. And so much darkness fades away. You have designed this Universe to favor the power of the light – of that I have no doubt.

Silent Reflection:

Affirmations and Intentions:

Beloved Creator of all light, we thank you for the light you blessed us with this day through the encounters we have had with all beings. May we always be present to those encounters. Let there be light.

Holy, compassionate One, we thank you for all care givers today who cared for the sick shining a light on their suffering. May we be aware of the suffering around us that we can shine our light upon. Let there be light.

Merciful God, we thank you for all those today who sacrifice themselves to aid those fleeing oppression and violence. May we aid in any way we can those courageous ones. Let there be light.

God of Hope and Abundance, we thank you today for all those who provided nourishment to the hungry. May we share our own abundance with all those in need without hesitation and with love. Let there be light.

Divine Mystery, we thank you for the evolving Earth home that you have gifted us with. May we protect it and respect it every day. Let there be light.

Sacred Friend, we thank you for our families, friends and this community of worship today who enrich our lives and bless our interconnectivity. May we each day recognize and be a strong loving connector in this holy cosmic web. Let there be light.

Silence to add your own intentions.

Closing Prayer:  Grace by Caroline Myss

“Lord, grant me the grace of Compassion, and the Courage to act on the authority of that grace. I know this is not a silent grace. It is a grace of action, and it will not allow me to be still when facing human suffering. But if I hope to be treated with Compassion by others, I must open my heart to serve others in kind. I cannot live in fear of the power of this grace.”

Song – Light of your Grace (Beloved Mooji Baba)

Light of your Grace (Beloved Mooji Baba) - YouTube

Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇyaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt

I feel Light, guiding our way home.
I see Light, essence of my soul.
I am light, in my heart I know.
We are light, together we are whole.

Om Arkaya Namaha, Arkaya.
Om Arkaya Namaha.

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