
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Moment of Oneness - August 11, 2021


Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772
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Today is the feast day of Clare of Assisi who, I think, must have had great courage in her lifetime. She refused marriage, became one of the first followers of Francis’ teachings and went to live in a convent. She lived a simple life and later founded the religions order now known as the Poor Clares. 

In these current times, we also need courage and strength to forge our own path. In both the writings of Joan Chittister and Richard Rohr they identify that people (prophets) need to live their faith rather than only pray about it. Action is necessary.

Barbara Taylor Brown says, “When people wanted him (Jesus) to tell them God’s truth about something, he asked them what they thought. With all kinds of opportunities to tell people what to think, he told them what to do instead (Taylor, Barbara Brown. An Altar in the World (pp. 118-119).

This takes courage! “But courage, however apparently fruitless, is not without its own reward. Anaïs Nin wrote once: “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” And courage is a prophet’s road. The prophets had a choice. So do we.” (Joan Chittister)

Opening Song: 

Spirit Lead Me sung by Samo Josefa Samo

Opening Prayer:

Chittister, Joan. The Time Is Now (p. 14+)

It is a world in wait. It waits for some wise and wild voices to lead us back to spiritual sanity. Our world waits for you and me, for spiritual people everywhere—to refuse to be pawns in the destruction of a global world for the sake of national self-centeredness. The only question is, Will we take up what we know is our moral and spiritual responsibility: to make the world a better place for all, to bring to life the fullness of Creation for all? To help bring about equality, safety, security, and compassion for all? 

The Prophets chose courage. They chose the expansion of the soul. They chose to stake their lives on what must be rather than stake their comfort, their security, the direction of their lives, on what was.


Adapted from, The Time Is Now

Refrain : We live our faith on the streets of the world. We are all humans together.

Let us not be smothered by the institutional trappings of the past.

Let us understand the cries of the destitute, depressed and defamed.

Let us try to deter violence on all classes and cultures of people.

Let us pray for hope in the future; to persuade, to enlighten the world.

Let us teach and stand with others for peace and justice.

Let us work towards closing the gap from life as it is to life as God wants it to be.

Silent Time for Reflection

Closing Prayer: by Richard Rohr

Loving God, you fill all things with a fullness and hope that we can never comprehend. Thank you for leading us into a time where more of reality is being unveiled for us all to see. We pray that you will take away our natural temptation for cynicism, denial, fear and despair. Help us have the courage to awaken to greater truth, greater humility, and greater care for one another.  May we place our hope in what matters and what lasts, trusting in your eternal presence and love.  Listen to our hearts’ longing for the healing of our suffering world. Knowing, good God, you are hearing us better than we are speaking, we offer these prayers in all the holy names of God.  Amen

Closing Song: Raise Me Up 

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