
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Moment of Oneness led by Denise Hackert-Stoner -

Wednesday, 7:30 pm and Thursday, 10 am
Meeting ID: 837 7605 5380
To join by phone dial: 
(646) 558-8656

Great Love, we gather in this season of green growing things and find you here among us.  We wander in meadow and forest, along ocean and river, and find you there.  We join in prayer with bird and cricket, frog and rabbit, giving you thanks and praise for the high sun, the heavy rains, the slow evenings of this summer season.  For these and for our very lives, we thank you.  Amen.
The Hidden Singer, by Wendell Berry
The gods are less for their love of praise.
Above and below them all is a spirit that needs nothing
but its own wholeness, its health and ours.
It has made all things by dividing itself.
It will be whole again.
To its joy we come together --
the seer and the seen, the eater and the eaten,
the lover and the loved.
In our joining it knows itself. It is with us then,
not as the gods whose names crest in unearthly fire,
but as a little bird hidden in the leaves
who sings quietly and waits, and sings.
Reader:  For the small, unnoticed creatures who live an entire lifetime in hours or days, may we learn from them how to find the work we are meant to do in this life and do it.  For this we pray.
All:  Hold us in the circle of creation.
Reader:  For our sun, which pours out its very self day after day, making heat, and light, and life.  May it teach us that it is by giving that we find the reason for our being.  For this we pray.
All:  Hold us in the circle of creation.
Reader:  For the cool darkness of forests and of nighttime, and the deep rest they offer.  May we learn from them to open our hands, our arms, our entire selves, to the sweet peace of sleep. For this we pray.
All:  Hold us in the circle of creation.
Reader:  At this time we invite you to add our own petitions.  (Pause)
Reader:  For these we pray.
All:  Hold us in the circle of creation.
Creator of the universe, we know you in the rising of the sun, the flow of rivers, and the song of birds.  You are present in the dance of stars across the night sky.  Your fragrance fills our meadows with sweetness.  Summer bursts with you, can hardly hold all that you have to offer.  As our eyes and ears take in the wonders of this season we see only you, Love incarnate, and with all of creation we sing your praise.
All:  Amen.

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