
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Moment of Oneness led by Debra Trees

Wednesday, 7:30 pm
Thursday, 10 am
Meeting ID: 837 7605 5380
To join by phone dial: 
(646) 558-8656

Opening Prayer

As we gather in our homes, sheltered and supporting each other, we bring a sense of hope to our lives.  Our love for each other and for our communities, both small and large, is evident in our actions. We give our gifts with a sense of freedom and presence. We know that we can only give what we have ourselves. Our work, rest and play, our very existence, is a unique facet of our Creator, who blesses us and through us, blesses all.  May we continue to know the Holy One’s companionship. AMEN.

The Prayer of Thanksgiving (from the Early Christian writings found at Nag Hammadi.)

1 This is the prayer they said: We give thanks to you, every life and heart stretches toward you, O name untroubled, honored with the name of God, praised with the name of Father.

2 To everyone and everything comes the kindness of the Father, and love and desire.

3 And if there is a sweet and simple teaching, it gifts us mind, word, and knowledge: mind, that we may understand you; word, that we may interpret you; knowledge, that we may know you.

4 We rejoice and are enlightened by your knowledge. We rejoice that you have taught us about yourself.

5 We rejoice that in the body you have made us divine* through your knowledge.

6 The thanksgiving of the human who reaches you is this alone: that we know you.

7 We have known you, O light of mind. O light of life, we have known you.

8 O womb of all that grows, we have known you.

9 O womb pregnant with the nature of the Father, we have known you.

10 O never-ending endurance of the Father who gives birth, so we worship your goodness.

11 One wish we ask: we wish to be protected in knowledge.

12 One protection we desire: that we not stumble in this life.

13 When they said these things in prayer, they welcomed one another, and they went to eat their holy food, which had no blood in it.”
A New New Testament: A Bible for the Twenty-first Century Combining Traditional and Newly Discovered Texts by Hal Taussig

Silent Reflection

Prayers of Petition

Holy One, you give us hope for our life as we learn to listen and follow you. 

RESPONSE: We are full of hope and light.

Holy One, you make sure that we have the experiences to fulfill our calling to be servants, friends and companions on this journey. 
RESPONSE: We are full of hope and light.

Holy One, you allow us to have free will and to give thanks for all that we are given. 
RESPONSE: We are full of hope and light.

Holy One, we bless your name as you walk with us on this path.

RESPONSE: We are full of hope and light.
Please add your silent reflections now…

Closing Prayer:

Send us forth with the Knowing of your spirit inside us. Be with us in Hope as we live our lives of Love and Service. Keep us always close to you. Our hearts are full of your Grace.


Debra E. Trees, ARCWP, FCM
Albany, NY

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