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Choose Life
Opening Prayer: The Holy One said to the Israelites and on this very night to each of us: I set before you, life or death, blessing or curse. Choose life, that you may live by loving your God and all of creation.
Reading: A parable of life choices
The Cree Chief and grandfather, told his grandson there were two wolves at war inside him, tearing at his insides. One of them, a grey wolf, wanted the old man to be strong and compassionate. Wise and courageous enough to be forgiving.
The other, a black wolf, wanted him to be vengeful. To forget no wrong. To forgive no slight. To attack first. To be cruel and cunning and brutal to friends and enemies alike. To spare no one. Hearing this from his grandfather terrified the child. He ran away. It took a few days before he dared approach the old man again. When he did, he asked his grandfather, which wolf will win, the grey or the black? His grandfather said, “The one I feed.”
One minute of silent reflection
Intentions: Who and how shall we feed?
Holy One, help us love as you love.
For all those who do not have enough to eat today, especially the children, may we choose again to bring or send food on donation Sunday.
For families who can not afford basics, diapers, baby wipes, sanitary napkins and toiletries may we choose again to bring or send these items on donation Sunday.
For those who live in shelters or on the street, may we choose again to bring or send hats and gloves, underwear and socks, washcloths, hand warmers, and toiletries on donation Sunday.
For all those who do not know they are valued and loved, may we choose to offer a warm smile, or find a way to let them know someone cares.
For those who may be isolated or alone, may we remember to call them, or reach out some other way.
For all of us who want a better government, may we call our write our state and federal representatives.
For all the agencies who help the immigrants, the impoverished, the hungry, may we choose one or more, send a check and/or volunteer.
For all our friends and family, as well as those we do not know who are suffering from any type of illness, may we remember them in prayer and hold them in our hearts.
For all those who are experiencing wars and conflicts, especially in Palestine, all the Middle East, the Ukraine and Russia, may we all work toward justice and peace.
When we feel powerless and hopeless may we each remember the Holy One is present, always loving unconditionally.
For what and whom else shall we pray tonight….
Closing prayer: Every day we each are presented with choices, and choose small acts of service, or loving kindness. May we each follow our path and choose life again and again. Amen.
Closing song: Choose Life by Colleen Fulmer
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