
Thursday, November 28, 2024

Upper Room Weekend Liturgy - First Sunday in Advent, November 30 and December 1, 2024 - Presiders Denise Hackert-Stoner and Juanita Cordero

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First Sunday of Advent

Juanita:  Welcome to the first Sunday of Advent.  This week we are called to watch and listen for signs of hope during these times of crisis.  Let’s watch.  Let’s listen.


Opening Prayer/Lighting of Advent Candle:  We light this candle as a sign of the Holy One’s presence among us, calling us to communion with all of creation, calling us to hope and action, calling us to open our eyes to the signs all around us.


Opening Song:  Here in this Place, Christopher Grundy



First Reading:  From The Great Search:  Turning to Earth and Soul in the Quest for Healing and Home, by John Philip Newell

"We are living in “a moment of grace,” said [Thomas] Berry.  Moments of grace are privileged moments, for great transformations can occur if we are true to them. Humanity’s discovery of how to make fire was a moment of grace, as was the invention of spoken language or the first cultivation of a garden or the development of writing and the creation of an alphabet. Humanity seized these moments of grace and brought great change through them. We too are living in a moment of grace. It is the realization of the interrelatedness of all things. It is a consciousness rising to the fore in nearly every great discipline of thought and study, inviting us to know that what we do to a part we do to the whole, and that the well-being of each is fulfilled only in the well-being of the whole. But moments of grace, said Berry, are “transient.” In other words, if we miss them, they are gone, perhaps never to come again. Will we meet this moment and live into it deeply, applying the new consciousness of Earth’s oneness to our lives and relationships, or will we miss this moment?"

"This, he said, is the “Great Work” that we are being invited to be part of today, to bring our deepest energies and the deepest spiritual insights of our inheritance to this moment in time, that we may be part of truly meeting this moment of grace together."

These are the words of a mystic in our world today, John Phillip Newell.  We affirm his words with Amen. 

Psalm: “Morningside Cathedral,” by Thomas Berry

(Note:  Thomas Berry served as canon and advisor to the Bishop at St. John the Divine Cathedral in New York City, also known as Morningside Cathedral)

Reader One: 

We have heard in this Cathedral
Bach’s Passion
The Lamentations of Jeremiah
Ancient experiences of darkness over the earth
Light born anew
But now, darkness deeper than even God
Can reach with a quick healing power
What sound,
What song,
What cry appropriate
What cry can bring a healing
When a million year rainfall
Can hardly wash away the life destroying stain?
What sound?

Reader Two:
Listen — earth sound
Listen — the wind through the hemlock
Listen — the owl’s soft hooting
in the winter night
Listen — the wolf — wolf song
Cry of distant meanings
woven into a seamless sound
Never before has the cry of the wolf expressed such meaning
On the winter mountainside
This cry our revelation
As the sun sinks lower in the sky
Over our wounded world
The meaning of the moment
And the healing of the wound
Are there in a single cry
A throat open wide
For the wild sacred sound
Of some Great Spirit

A Gothic sound — come down from the beginning of time
If only humans could hear
Now see the wolf as guardian spirit
As savior guide

Reader Three:
Our Jeremiah, telling us,
not about the destruction of
Jerusalem or its temple
Our Augustine, telling us,
not about the destruction of Rome and civilization
Our Bach,
telling us not about the Passion of Christ in ancient times,
But about the Passion of Earth in our times?
Wolf — our earth, our Christ, ourselves.
The arch of the Cathedral itself takes on the shape
Of the uplifted throat of the wolf
Lamenting our present destiny
Beseeching humankind
To bring back the sun
To let the flowers bloom in the meadows,
The rivers run through the hills
And let the Earth
And all its living creatures
Live their
And Abundant life.

These are the words of priest and geologian, Thomas Berry.  We affirm his words with Amen.

Alleluia:   Celtic Alleluia

 Gospel:  Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

Jesus said to his disciples:
“There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, 
and on earth nations will be in dismay, 
perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves.
People will die of fright 
in anticipation of what is coming upon the world, 
for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
And then they will see the Son of Man 
coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
But when these signs begin to happen, 
stand erect and raise your heads 
because your redemption is at hand.

“Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy 
from carousing and drunkenness 
and the anxieties of daily life, 
and that day catch you by surprise like a trap.
For that day will assault everyone
who lives on the face of the earth.
Be vigilant at all times 
and pray that you have the strength 
to escape the tribulations that are imminent 
and to stand before the Son of Man.”

These are the words of the gospel writer known as Luke.  We affirm his words with Amen.


Homily and Shared Reflections

Has there ever been a time on this Earth when the signs Jesus describes, the nations in dismay, the powers of heaven being shaken, didn’t exist?  I don’t think so.  Rather, I believe that in every age there is a crisis.  Every generation has its moment; a moment that it either meets or ignores.  A crisis either averted, survived, or succumbed to: natural disasters; civil wars; international conflict; colonialism, the rise of despots.  Any of these would be, for the people living through the crisis, apocalyptic.  Life-changing.  This, I think, is the genius of Jesus:  he imagines an apocalyptic moment of one time and place, and in his telling, it becomes universal, spanning the millennia.  He sees, and helps us to see, the universal feelings of horror, fear and dread which are all too familiar to every generation.  At the same time, he reveals a fundamental hope for wisdom, deliverance, and reconciliation, also universal in every crisis.  He helps us to see that, woven into our greatest horror is our moment of grace; a golden thread leading us to redemption.  But he reminds us of our own responsibility to notice that thread.  To be awake to it, and to the chaos surrounding it.  

So, like our ancestors, we are facing our moment.  We stand before the crisis of our time, the challenge of a devastating climate catastrophe that has the potential for widespread destruction and extinction.  Both Jesus and Thomas Berry point us to great symbols of such apocalyptic times.  These symbols, even in the chaos, seem to call us to reconciliation and action; they call us to hope.  They are the golden thread woven into the chaos.  For Jesus, the symbol is the “Son of Man, coming in a cloud with power and glory.”  For Berry, it is the cry of the wolf, the simple sound of nature.  For both Jesus and Berry, the key to meeting these critical moments is the willingness to heed the signs; to remain alert, to be aware, to listen and watch.  If we miss the signs, we cannot meet the moment.  If we ignore the chaos, the deluge, we miss the golden thread, the moment of grace.

On this, the first Sunday of Advent, we stand in the dark, with only one small candle burning.  We must not hide here, overcome by fear.  For we are called to “bring back the sun.”  We must not wait.  The signs are here, nature is calling.  Will we respond?

What did you hear in the readings today?  Please share your thoughts.

 Statement of Faith 

We believe in the Holy One, a divine mystery 
beyond all definition and rational understanding, 
the heart of all that has ever existed, 
that exists now, or that ever will exist. 
We believe in Jesus, messenger of the Divine Word, 
bringer of healing, heart of Divine compassion, 
bright star in the firmament of the Holy One's 
prophets, mystics, and saints. 
We believe that We are called to follow Jesus 
as a vehicle of divine love, 
a source of wisdom and truth, 
and an instrument of peace in the world. 
We believe in the Spirit of the Holy One, 
the life that is our innermost life, 
the breath moving in our being, 
the depth living in each of us. 
We believe that the Divine kin-dom is here and now, 
stretched out all around us for those 
with eyes to see it, hearts to receive it, 
and hands to make it happen. 



As we prepare for this sacred meal we are aware that just as Jesus is anointed, so is each of us. As bearers of LIGHT and HOPE, we bring to this table our blessings, cares and concerns. Please feel free to voice your intentions beginning with the words, “I bring to the table…..” 

We pray for these and all unspoken intentions. Amen. 


With open hearts and hands let us pray our Eucharistic prayer as one voice:

(written by Jay Murnane) 

 All: Source of All That Is, we seek you in this season, when the earth is resting and preparing for new life. Like the earth, we long for new life and hopeful beginnings. This is the time of the pregnant woman, filled with life and hope powerful enough to topple structures of oppression.  This is the time of her song of fidelity and celebration. 

 During this gentle season of Advent, we recognize that you have made us capable of bringing forth justice, like a rising sun. One with all who have gone before us, we sing a song of praise: 

Holy, Holy, Holy by Karen Drucker video by Denise 

We thank you for those in times past who believed the good news, and lived what they believed. 


Blessed is Isaiah and every visionary who insisted on a better future that would break through the deception, disaster and broken promises of the age in which they lived. 


Blessed is John, in the stark desert of careful focus, inviting the people to be born again in your love.  


Blessed is Miriam, who believed the words of Isaiah and opened herself up to the unbelievable. 


And blessed is her child Jesus, who felt the sorrows of humankind in his soul, and responded with deep and tender compassion. 

Please extend your hands in blessing.

All: We are grateful for your Spirit at our Eucharistic Table and for this bread and wine which reminds us of our call to be the body of Christ in the world. 

All.: On the night before he faced his own death, Jesus sat at the Seder supper with his companions and friends.  He reminded them of all that he taught them, and to fix that memory clearly with them, he bent down and washed their feet. 


When he returned to his place at the table, he lifted the bread, spoke the blessing, broke the bread and offered it to them saying: 

Take and eat, this is my very self.


Then he took the cup of the covenant, spoke the grace, and offered it to them saying:

Take and drink.

Whenever you remember me like this,

I am among you.

Let us share this bread and cup to proclaim and live the gospel of justice and peace with these words:  We are awake.

Communion Song/Meditation:  Darkness to Light, Empty Hands Music

All: We give thanks for our tradition, which is a living history of your love for all creation. We join ourselves with that tradition, as the visionaries and healers and peacemakers of our own time in history. 


We celebrate the many creative traditions which guide and form us and we are grateful that there are many paths to wisdom and life. 


Each Advent we make a place in our prayer for all those who are oppressed and marginalized in so many places throughout this earth, and right here among us. 


We are grateful for the gift of your Spirit, always drawing beauty and balance out of chaos.  And like Jesus…


Standing where he stood,  

and for what he stood,  

and with whom he stood, 

we are united in your Spirit, 

and worship you with our lives,  


All: Amen.  

Let us pray as Jesus taught us: 

Holy One, you are within, around and among us.  
We celebrate your many names. 
Your wisdom come; your will be done, 
unfolding from the depths within us. 
Each day you give us all that we need. 
You remind us of our limits and we let go. 
You support us in our power, and we act with courage. 
For you are the dwelling place within us, 
the empowerment around us, 
and the celebration among us,  
now and forever, Amen.  

Adapted by Miriam Therese Winter 



Please extend your hands and pray our blessing together.

In this, our moment, let us stand erect.  Let us raise our heads.  Let us stay vigilant, harkening to the call of the wolf, the call of the sea, the call of the earth; for theirs is the voice of our God.  May their call lead us to act.  And may our actions lead us out of the darkness of our crisis into the light of hope.  May this be our Advent prayer.  Amen.


All: AMEN 


Closing Song: IAm Ready for Change, Carrie Newcomer


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