
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Moment of Oneness, May 22, 2024 - prepared by Mary Theresa Streck

Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772
To connect by phone dial: +1 646 558 8656

Mary Theresa: Good evening and welcome to our mid-week Moment of Oneness.

Last Sunday, we celebrated the feast of Pentecost, the Spirit alive in each of us and in all of creation. 

Let us begin by breathing together. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Look at one another with reverence and awe, seeing the communion shared through breathing together. Pause to be with the reality of both bodily breath and the divine breath drawing each of us into an invisible, strengthening union. 

Song Meditation: Holy Spirit Living Breath of God by Keith & Kristyn Getty


Reader 1: Mysterious One, you move me on the winds of your love. You sail with me on the clouds of my uncertainty. You stay with me in the toughest of threatening storms. You whisper in the winds of my searching, so silent at times I wonder if and where you might abide. Ever present, ever elusive, I cannot control or define your interacting essence. Yet you continually draw me to your heart with each breath I take. You ask only that I surrender my desire to regulate and manage how you move and reveal yourself to me. 

Reader 2: Spirit of Community, remind me that my life with you is most often found in the midst of others in whom you live and move and have your being. Your intermingling presence unites me with all living beings. You permeate the space within and between those with whom I engage. You rush in where I least expect. You surprise me with the beauty of your love and your eager passion to change systems and sources that oppress. Ignite my love. Hasten my actions for social justice. Open the doors of my mind and heart so you can fill the entire house of my being with your all-embracing love. 

Reader 3: Spirit of the Universe, Spirit of my heart, I welcome you into my life. Come visit the places within me where Love has yet to find a dwelling place. Breathe within all of my existence with the power of your transforming grace. I open my entire being to you and thank you for the gift of your presence. Amen.

Mary Theresa: Let us pause to pray for all who have asked for our prayers or need our prayers. 

Closing:  Blessing Song by Jan Phillips

Text from Breath of Life by Denis Edwards printed in Prayer Seeds by Joyce Rupp

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