
Saturday, January 29, 2022

Upper Room Liturgy - Sunday, January 30, 2022 - Presiders: Deven Horne and Jim Marsh

Please join us between 9:30 and 9:55 am via Zoom

Here is the Zoom link: 
phone-in for (audio only).Phone Number: (646) 558-8656

Meeting ID: 825 1215 9155

Welcome/Theme: Jim M

Opening Song: We’ll Build a World by David Lohman

We are different, you and I, yet together, fates entwine.

Now we gather in this space, joined in spirit, filled with grace;

bring your fullness, I'll bring mine, and together we will shine.

Refrain: Together, we'll build a world where there's room for all to be;

a world where we'll live our lives liberated, strong, and free!

This glorious future –build it now with me.

As we labor toward that day, don't let difference fall away.

Your uniqueness I will see, and the same, please, see in me.

Thus we're valued, known and named, honored, cherished, loved and claimed. Ref

In this varied universe all existence so diverse.

Filled with wonder, life so queer, steeped in mystery, oft unclear.

Yet together, hand in hand, we'll create that Promised Land. Ref

Liturgy of Word

First Reading Jeremiah 1:4-8  [The Message Bible]      Diane Geary

This is what God said:

“Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. 

Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you. 

A prophet to the nations—that’s what I had in mind for you.”

But I said, “Hold it, Master God! Look at me. I don’t know anything. I’m only a boy!”

God told me, “Don’t say, ‘I’m only a boy.’ I will tell you where to go and you will go there. I will tell you what to say and you will say it. Don’t be afraid of anyone. I’ll be right there, looking after you.”

These are inspired words of the prophet Jeremiah, and the community responds: AMEN!

Second Reading Psalm 71 (16-24)  [Message Bible adapted]     Clare Julian Carbone

I come in the power of the Holy One. I post signs marking your way, proclaiming justice.

You got me when I was an unformed youth and taught me everything I know. Now I’m telling the world of your wonders; I’ll keep at it until I’m old and gray.

O Faithful One, don’t walk off and leave me until I get out the news of your famous and righteous ways. You’ve done it all! Who is quite like you?

Turn to me, be tender to me. I’ll take up the lute and thank you to the tune of your faithfulness. I’ll make music for you on a harp, O Holy One of Israel.

All day long I’m chanting about you and your righteous ways, while those who tried to do me harm slink off looking ashamed.

These are the inspired words sung by David as his enemies conspired to kill him. Let the community respond: AMEN!

Alleluia Dennis McD (cantor)

Gospel Reading Luke 4:21-30    [Inclusive Bible]        Bernie Kinlan

Jesus speaking in the synagogue, said: “Today, in your hearing, this Scripture passage is fulfilled.”

All who were present spoke favorably of him; they marveled at the eloquence of the words that Jesus spoke. They said, “Surely this isn’t Mary and Joseph’s son!”

Jesus said to them, “Undoubtedly, you’ll quote me the proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself,’ and say ‘Do here in your own country the things we heard you did in Capernaum.’ The truth is, there were many women who were widowed in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens remained closed for three and a half years and a great famine spread over the land. It was to none of these that Elijah was sent, but to a woman who had been widowed in Zarephath, near Sidon. Recall, too, that many had leprosy in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet no one was cured except Naaman the Syrian.”

At these words, the whole audience in the synagogue was filled with indignation. They rose up and dragged Jesus out of town, leading him to the brow of the hill on which the city was built, with the intention of hurling him over the edge. But he moved straight through the crowd and walked away.

These are inspired words of the evangelist known as Luke, and the community responds: AMEN!

Shared Homily (starter Jim)

Statement of Faith

We believe in the Holy One, 

a divine mystery beyond all definition and rational understanding, 

the heart of all that has ever existed, that exists now, or that ever will exist.

We believe in Jesus, messenger of the Divine Word, 
bringer of healing, heart of Divine compassion, 
bright star in the firmament of the Holy One's prophets, mystics, and saints.

We believe that We are called to follow Jesus as a vehicle of divine love, 
a source of wisdom and truth, and an instrument of peace in the world.

We believe in the Spirit of the Holy One, the life that is our innermost life, 

the breath moving in our being, the depth living in each of us.

We believe that the Divine kin-dom is here and now, 
stretched out all around us for those with eyes to see it, 

hearts to receive it, and hands to make it happen.

Liturgy of Eucharist

Deven H: As we prepare for the sacred meal at this open table, we give voice to our many 

blessings, cares, and concerns, beginning with the words, “I bring to the table …. 


Deven will end with:

O Holy One, you know our needs before we even speak. Yet, we must speak, if only to remind ourselves of our call to act justly and love tenderly in addressing the needs of our sisters and brothers, while we walk humbly on this Earth all our days. Amen

Jim: Let us pray the Eucharistic prayer together:  

God beyond all words and images, we gather to give you thanks and praise. 

We praise you for life and all that is beautiful in creation. We praise you for our planet Earth and all people who live on it. We praise you for your word that enlightens and enlivens our minds and hearts.

We open wide our circle with the memory of all the joyful troubadours and faithful 

servants who have gone before us. Joined with them and all creation, we lift our voices and sing:

Here in This Place by Christopher Grundy

HOLY ONE, may your presence here open our minds 

may your Spirit among us help us to find you are rising up now 

like a fountain of grace from the holy ground 

here in this place, here in this place. 

Holy, holy, holy God of love and majesty 

the whole universe speaks of your glory 

from the holy ground here in this place, here in this place.

Deven:   We thank you for Jesus, simple servant, lifting up the lowly, 

revealing you as God-With-Us, 

and revealing us as one with you and all of creation.

[extend hands in blessing]

We are ever aware of your Spirit in creation. Intensify your Spirit anew in these simple gifts of bread and wine and in us, that we might truly be the Christ presence in our world.

On the night before he faced betrayal and death, Jesus shared supper with the people closest to him. He reminded them of all that he taught them, and to fix that memory clearly, he bent down and washed their feet like the least household servant. 

[lifting bread]

When he returned to his place at the table, Jesus took bread, gave thanks, and offered it to them saying: Take and eat, this is my very self. [pause] 

[lifting cup]

Jim: Then Jesus took the cup of the covenant, spoke the grace and offered it to them saying: 

Take and drink; whenever you remember me like this, I am among you. [pause]

Let us eat and drink with mindfulness of our dignity. Savor God’s goodness and be nourished!

Communion Song: Morning Prayer: I Will Surrender  by Karen Drucker

I will surrender to my greatest highest good.
I will release any fear that blocks my way.
For every step I take is taken in pure faith,
And I am stronger every moment, every day.

My mind is willing and my heart is open wide.
I trust my instincts and let Spirit be my guide.
I vow to live a life that's real and pure and free,
As I continue walking in this mystery.

I will surrender to my greatest highest good.
I will release any fear that blocks my way.
For every step I take is taken in pure faith,
And I am grateful every moment every day.

There may be walls, 

there may be roadblocks in my way,
But I can choose to take a higher path each day.
And now I know that what I thought was safe 

and sound,
Was only habit and regret that held me down.

I will surrender to my greatest highest good.
I will release any fear that blocks my way.
For every step I take is taken in pure faith,
And I am kinder every moment every day.

And I’m more loving every moment every day

I will surrender every moment, every day.

Jim: Recognizing our dignity as beloved daughters and sons, we are willing to do everything Jesus

did. By the in-dwelling Spirit, we are made co-creators with you. May we re-create the living

presence of a love that does justice, of a compassion that heals and liberates, of a joy that

generates hope and a light that illumines all people by confronting the darkness of every injustice and inequity. All honor and glory are yours, O Holy One, forever and ever. Amen!

Sandi D: Let us pray as Jesus taught:

O Holy one who is within, around and among us.

We celebrate your many names.

Your wisdom come; your will be done,

unfolding from the depths within us.

Each day you give us all that we need.

You remind us of our limits and we let go.

You support us in our power, and we act with courage.

For you are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us,

and the celebration among us, now and forever, Amen.    

(Adapted by Miriam Therese Winter)


Deven: Let us raise our hands and bless each other, with these words:

May we know ourselves as God’s beloved each day.

May we recognize the face of God in all. May such encounters prompt us to respond with  generosity, extreme tenderness and extravagant love. 

Indeed, may our living and loving be a blessing in our time! AMEN!

Closing Song: Make A Difference  by Ed Bolduc

We can make a difference in our world today

Together we can make our world a better place.

When we work together, so much can be done.

If all the children in the world would sing in unison.

We know what’s right, and we know what to do.

The future can be brighter. It’s up to me and you.

Take my hand and join me. Sing along with me.

When all the children join us there will be a change you’ll see.

Do you have the courage? Do you have the pride?

Do you have a vision of a world where all is right?

We know what’s right, and we know what to do.

The future can be brighter. It’s up to me and you.

We can make a difference in our world today

Together we can make our world a better place.

When we work together, so much can be done.

If all the children in the world would sing in unison.

We know what’s right, and we know what to do.

The future can be brighter. It’s up to me and you.

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