
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Moment of Oneness - November 24, 2021


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Togetherness, Generosity, Gratitude

First Reading: by Sean Sherman, a member of the Oglala Lakota Sioux Tribe

My perspective on Thanksgiving has changed from a sense of bitterness surrounding the real history to renewed hope for what our celebrations could be, if we simply changed our focus.  We do not need that illusion of past unity to actually unite people today. We can focus simply on values that apply to everybody:  togetherness, generosity and gratitude.

Second Reading:  by Pixie Lighthorse, from Prayers of Honoring

Allow us to be as One-one civilization suspended between you, to erase the lines which limit us to our country, our ethnicity, our continents, our towns our histories. We are all citizens of the world and can improve the way we move around on you  when we can utilize your love story.  Help us to live into that.

In our self-reflections, make your presence know.  Show us that you are here with us.  Let us see the soul in all things and honor ourselves.  Let us see each other as you see us.  Let us make our human mistakes and learn divine self-correction on our road, leaving the conquering and divisiveness behind.


Creator, open our hearts

 to peace and healing between all people.

Creator, open our hearts

 to provide for and protect all children of the earth.

Creator, open our hearts

to respect for the earth, and all the gifts of the earth.

Creator, open our hearts

to end exclusion, violence, and fear among all.

Thank you for the gifts of this day and every day.  

Silent reflection

Closing prayer in gratitude for friends and family :

Tradition of the Native Peoples of the Americas

O Divine Parent and Gift-giver

Let me not take those I love for granted

Failing to remember

That you have only loaned them to me

For a very short while.

Help me, this day, you who are absolute love,

To love those you have loaned to me,

As if tomorrow you would call them home to you.

Let me not take them for granted

Or be blind to the marvel of their presence,

To the sound of their voices,

The joy of their companionship

Or the beauty of their love.

May their minor faults and failings

Which often cause me discomfort

Be seen as trivial transgressions

Compared to the marvel of the gift

That you have loaned to me 

For only a short while.

Closing song:  What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong

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