
Monday, September 20, 2021

Season of Creation September 22, 2021: Week 4


7:00pm EST
Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772
To connect by phone dial: +1 646 558 8656

Opening Prayer:

Holy One, you flow through us and all of creation as an eternal river of love and creativity.  As we learn more every day about how everything in this universe is inter-related may we come to appreciate more and more our connection with all that is.  May we see you where you really are, deep within everything and everyone.  

First Reading:

A selection from an interview in Emergence Magazine with Suzanne Simard, discoverer of “the wood-wide web”:

Trees aren’t just individuals competing for resources but are actually connected. And so, how are they connected?

Mycorrhizal fungi are one of several types of fungi that exist in forests. The word “mycorrhiza” literally means “fungus root,” and it describes the relationship between the trees and these fungi. They’re in a mutualistic relationship, where the tree provides food for the fungus, because the fungus doesn’t have leaves. It lives in the soil, and it’s dark down there. So the tree provides food to the fungus, and the fungus takes that food, and picks up nutrients and water and then transports it back to the tree, and they trade. That’s why it’s called mutualism: they’re both mutually benefiting from this relationship.

So the wood-wide web is about these mycorrhizal fungi connecting trees together, and forming this network, flying in the face of the idea that trees are individuals, just out there to compete for their own resources. Now, suddenly, they’re an integrated whole.

Second Reading: 

From: You are a Unique Part of Me I Don’t Know Yet,  by Terri Kozlowski

I believe that we are all connected, and these connections to others are vital to us and our growth.  From a physical perspective, the brain is wired for human associations, which enhances our social relationships.  But how are we all linked scientifically?

Science’s current theory of the evolution of the Universe is the Big Bang.  At its basis is the belief that everything, all that is in the Universe, was, at one time, altogether.  All that is was once one concentrated mass, a singularity.  Then, B-A-N-G! The Universe expanded into what it currently is. 

So, at one point, we really were all connected.  And more importantly, we are all created from the same origin.  All the energy that existed from the Big Bang is still all the energy that exists in the Universe, because energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed. 

As human beings, we are energy inside our bodies.  We can feel that force within us.  The universal power flows through each of us and everything in the Universe.  That is why you are a unique part of me I may not know yet. 

Closing Song:  By Breath, by Sara Thomsen

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