
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Celtic Spirituality: Seeing the Holy One in All Creation: Week Three

Encircling Lorica

Christ with me, Christ before me

Christ behind me, Christ in me

Christ beneath me, Christ above me

Christ on my right, Christ on my left

Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down

Christ when I arise, Christ to shield me

—Prayer excerpt attributed to St. Patrick

(Open with discussion of what we have experienced blessing moments this past week.)

       Early Celtic languages were vocal, not written, as was Hebrew.  Celts thought that writing dissolved the strength and passion in all they thought and said. Early poetry in Ireland was repetitive...with no rhyme.   While this kind of poetry is not written in English often, it does bring clarity to thought and is easier to memorize. 

       A lorica was a type of combat armor very useful for fighters that moved quickly and often. Leather for construction was each to find as well.  Chest and shoulder plates were made of pieces that floated one over the other, up and down, left and right.  Once lashed together and tied to the body where needed lorica was almost invincible. 

        Lorica is a prayer-poem seeking protection, invoking the love and care power of the Holy One. This prayer eloquently expresses the Celtic Christian belief that in a hostile world the presence of the Holy One surrounds, protects, and comforts all who call. This lorica above is attributed to St. Patrick.



       Try using this lorica each day this week.  Read it slowly, listening to it as you go.  Think as you listen to all the things that are troubling you in these difficult days.  Covid-19, the election, the fires in California, violence, those we care about who have cancer, and so much more! How does it feel?  Write a paragraph or two about Encircling Lorica in your journal.  You can write your own Lorica, and share it with us, if you would like.

We rise today,

Through the strength of heaven:

Light of the sun, radiance of the moon.

Splendor of fire, speed of lightning,

Swiftness of wind, depth of sea,

Stability of earth and firmness of rock.

We rise through the strength of heaven

We rise today.


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