Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Moment of Oneness - October 21, 2020


Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772

To connect by phone dial: 
  +1 646 558 8656 

Opening Prayer:   Holy One, you are always present to us, You reveal yourself in creation and send many to help us navigate our lives.  Sometimes those that come are as amazing as Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, or Ruth Bader Ginsberg. More often you send someone who is unknown to the world and may be unnoticed as the local bus driver, the grocery store bagger, the bank teller or a little child.  Help us be aware and grateful to those in our lives that have changed us and will change us for the better.  Amen.

A reading from The Art of Original Thinking by Jan Philips

Revelation comes quietly, in times of stillness, when one ponders how to be of use. Revelation comes at the intersection of compassion and the daily news. Revelation rises up in response to injustice—as it rose up in Moses, in Jesus, in Harriet Tubman, Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the others who stood up and spoke out for the benefit of others. 


This is the time in history when we have become aware of ourselves as agents of evolution. It is not happening to us, but through us. It is not a higher caliber of weaponry that will bring about our success, but a higher caliber of consciousness.


We cannot look to the past for answers. They do not live there. We must imagine ourselves forward, envision the world we want to create, and feel the new reality in every cell of our beings in order to bring it about—for it is our feelings, our passions and compassion that will propel us toward the future we desire. 

Holy One, you have given us free will, we don’t always make the best choices, but you wait patiently and never abandon us.


We pray for every member of our community. We have many who have asked for our prayers. We stand with them in their need.  

All:  Let it be so, amen.

We pray for all those going to the polls.  Some are afraid, some are angry, may the outcome of this election make our world a safer, healthier place for all.  

All: Let it be so, amen.

We pray for all those suffering from the effects of Covid 19, Those who have the virus, the medical staff who attend to them, and for the families who are unable to hold their loved ones. We stand with them in their suffering.  

ALL: Let it be so, amen.

We pray for all children, teachers and staff as they do their best to learn, educate, and care for each other in the school or on line.  May they be safe and remain virus free.  

ALL: Let it be so, amen.

We pray for all those who are doing their best to survive economically, especially so many who have lost their jobs, or their small businesses.  May they know they are not alone and find a way forward with the support and help of their communities.  

All: Let it be so, amen.

Closing prayer

Holy One, every day we experience the weight of our worries, fears and problems.  May we breathe deeply and know that you are with us in every breath.  May we reach out in small ways to every one we meet, whether family, friend, or stranger.  Amen

Go Light Your World

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