Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Moment of Oneness, May 31, 2023


Meeting ID: 815 0755 1772
To connect by phone dial: +1 646 558 8656

Holy Spirit Breathes of Us

Opening Song: Spirit of the Living God


Opening Prayer: God: Before Jesus left this world, his disciples were anointed with the Holy Spirit. We too are blessed with the Holy Spirit, who is another teacher, another comforter and guide. Teach us the “way” to follow your Son, Jesus. Abba God promised us that HE would send us the Holy Spirit to guide us and speak for us as we pray for the needs of the world. That all people may acknowledge one another as brother and sister without discrimination of race or nation. With sincere hearts, we seek the Kin-dom of God, which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.


Spirit of God - Help us to Let Go of our old Self. (die with Christ)

Spirit of God - Help us to Let It Be—--Be buried with Christ

Spirit of God - Help us to Let It Come–let the Spirit fill the space within us.

Spirit of God - Let the Spirit–Open Our Hearts.

Spirit of God - Let me walk with the spirit, step by step–thru the day.

Spirit of God - Let me practice simply being with God, in Silence, in Love.

Spirit of God - Let me love my neighbor

Spirit of God - Let me love myself.

Spirit of God - Show me how to be of service to others.

These were ideas I found in “We Make the Road by Walking” by Brian McLaren. Pause


Tonight we Pray for:

The Lost - for a world that doesn’t know you. 

The Sick - both mentally and physically

Those who suffer for Injustice - Help this world know right from wrong 

For the Poor - Please provide for their physical and spiritual needs.

For Peace  - Provide this world for a peace that is only found in you. Show us what we can do to make this world a better place. Amen.

Closing Prayer:

Are we willing to: Let Go 

Are we willing to: Let Be

Are we willing to: Let the Spirit come and be moved thru us.

Closing Song:  Breathe on me, breath of God


Breathe on me, breath of God
Fill me with life anew
That I may love and love what thou dost do

Breathe on me, breath of God
Until my heart is pure

Breathe on me, breath of God
Align my soul with Thine
And to your loving heart will thy bind

Breathe on me, breath of God
Until my heart is pure
Breathe on me, breath of God

Friday, May 26, 2023

Upper Room Liturgy for Pentecost, May 28, 2023 - Presiders: Kathleen Ryan and Gayle Eagan

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82512159155 
phone-in for (audio only) Phone Number: (646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 825 1215 9155

Welcome:(Kathie): Today is Pentecost and the Birthday of the Upper Room.  The Spirit is always with us.  During our liturgy today those in the room and those on zoom will all lay our stoles on the table as we voice our intentions. We will also offer each other a special sign of peace.  Let us celebrate with joy and solidarity! 

Opening Prayer: (Gayle): We are all children of God in the Spirit. There is no Jew or Greek. There is no slave or free.  There is no male or female, for we are all one in the Spirit.  Amen!

Please Rise for our opening song:

Opening Song: Glory to God by Marty Haugen  - video by Bridget Mary Meehan and Mary Theresa Streck

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading: (Ann B) A reading from the Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic. John Shelby Spong

John closes this gospel with words that make certain that this point is clear: “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples that are not in this book; but these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing you might have life in his name”.   To have life - not to become religious, not to achieve moral purity, not to win the contest to gain doctrinal orthodoxy, but to have life-that is the function of the Christ.  It is the experience of living into which we pass into new dimensions of life and cross the boundaries of fear that separate us from one another and from ourselves. That we “might have life and have it abundantly” -that is what Jesus is about; that is what Jesus brings. To be a Christian is not to believe that message, but to live that message. On this note the Fourth Gospel comes to a conclusion, and we are left with the Spirit that empowers us to be the body of Christ doing the work of Christ in every generation.

These are the inspired words of John Shelby Spong, our brother and disciple of Jesus.  Our community affirms these words with AMEN

Second Reading: (Margaret D) A Reading from Bread for the Journey. Henri Nouwen

The Breath of God Within us

When we speak about the Holy Spirit, we speak about the breath of God breathing in us. We are seldom aware of our breathing. It is so essential for life that we only think about it when something is wrong with it. 

The Spirit of God is like our breath.  God’s spirit is more intimate to us than we are to ourselves. We might not often be aware of it.  It is the Spirit of God who prays in us, who offers us the gifts of love, forgiveness, kindness, goodness, gentleness, peace, and joy. It is the Holy Spirit who offers us the life that death cannot destroy.

These are the inspired words of our brother and disciple of Jesus, Henri Nouwen.  Our community affirms these words with AMEN

Celtic Alleluia


Gospel: (Joan) A reading from the Gospel of John

In the evening of the first day of the week, the doors were locked in the room where the disciples were, for fear of the Temple authorities. 

Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” The disciples were filled with joy when they saw Jesus, who said to them again, “Peace be with you. As Abba God sent me, so I am sending you.” Jesus breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” 

These are the words of a writer known as John.  The community affirms them with AMEN.

Shared Homily  

What can we say about the Spirit? Sometimes, we have the impression that the Spirit came for the first time on Pentecost. In truth the spirit of the Holy One was, is, and is always with us. The Holy One breathed life and spirit into all of creation from the beginning.  

John Shelby Spong reminds us that the Spirit empowers us to live life abundantly. Nouwen reminds us that the Spirit of God is breath. 

This is a day of celebrating; we are filled with the Spirit. When we are aware or experience Spirit how are we changed, how are we transformed? 

In just a few sentences how, when, or where, have you experienced the Spirit in your life?  

Statement of Faith


We believe in the Holy One, a divine mystery
beyond all definition and rational understanding,
the heart of all that has ever existed,
that exists now, or that ever will exist.

We believe in Jesus, messenger of the Divine Word,
bringer of healing, heart of Divine compassion,
bright star in the firmament of the Holy One's
prophets, mystics, and saints.

We believe that We are called to follow Jesus
as a vehicle of divine love,
a source of wisdom and truth,
and an instrument of peace in the world.

We believe in the Spirit of the Holy One,
the life that is our innermost life,
the breath moving in our being,
the depth living in each of us.

We believe that the Divine kin-dom is here and now,
stretched out all around us for those
with eyes to see it, hearts to receive it,
and hands to make it happen.

Intentions (Kathie) 

As we prepare for our sacred meal, whether on zoom or in the room please lay your stole upon the table as a sign that just as Jesus is anointed, so is each of us.  We are all called to serve one another. We bring to this table our blessings, cares, and concerns. Please feel free to voice your prayers beginning with the words, “I bring to the table…

We pray for these and all unspoken intentions. Amen.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Eucharistic Prayer of the Spirit (Joyce Rupp)

(Kathie/Galye)With open hands and hearts, we pray our Eucharistic prayer:

Kathie/Gayle/All) Spirit! Power and Passion of our being,
press upon our hearts your profound love.
Move through the fragments of our days;
enable us to sense your fiery Presence
consecrating our most insignificant moments.

Spirit! Source of Vision, Perceptive Guide,
permeate the moments of our choices
when falsehood and truth both call to us.
Turn us toward the way of goodness,
so that we will always lean toward your love.

Spirit! Blessing for the heart grown weary,
encircle us with your loving energy,
empower us with your active gentleness.
Deepen within us a faith in your dynamism
which strengthens the weak and the tired.

We are filled with gratitude and thank you as we sing:

Here in this Place – Holy Holy Holy by Christopher Grundy


Spirit! Breath of Life, Touch of Mystery,
you are the ribbon of inner connection,
uniting us with the groaning of all creation.
Because of you, our lives gathers into a oneness.
Keep us attentive to this interdependence.
Fill our being with constant compassion
and a deep hope that knows no bounds.

Spirit! Dwelling Place, Sanctuary of Silence,
you are the home for which we deeply yearn.
You are the resting place for which we long.
We find both comfort and challenge in you.
Grant that we may keep our whole selves open
to the transforming power of your indwelling,
that we may ever know the blessings
of your tremendous companionship.

Please extend Your hands in blessing.

You Spirit is within this bread and wine and with us as we become more deeply the Christ Presence in our world.

All: On the night before he faced betrayal and death, Jesus shared supper with his friends.  He reminded them of all that he taught them, and to fix that memory clearly with them, he bent down and washed their feet. 


Lift plate as the community prays the following:

When he returned to his place at the table, he lifted the bread, spoke the blessing, broke the bread and offered it to them saying: 

Take and eat, go and share my love with one another.


  (pause)  Lift the cup as community prays the following:

Then he took the cup of the covenant, spoke the grace, and offered it to them saying:

Take and drink.

Whenever you remember me like this,

I am among you.


Bread and wine are transformed by Your Spirit and we are transformed when we open ourselves to Your Spirit. Every time we share this bread and wine we choose to be transformed. We choose to love as You love us.


What we have heard with our ears, we will live with our lives: as we share communion, we will become communion, both Love’s nourishment and Love’s challenge. 

Let us share this bread and cup to proclaim and live the gospel of justice and peace.

Please receive Communion with the words: The Spirit is within us.

Communion song:  Breath of the One Life by Jan Novotka


Prayer after Communion:

(Kathie/Gayle/All) May our hearts be open as we dream new dreams and see new visions. May we recognize the Spirit present in every person. May we, like Jesus, become Spirit Fire, as we fan the flames of love in our lives and our community for it is through living as Jesus lived, that we awaken to your Spirit within us at this time and all ways. Amen

Sign of Peace: (Kathie)

Please offer a sign of peace to each other using universal sign language.  It looks like this…  

Let us sing this song:   A Wish for Peace by Clube de Musica


Let us pray as Jesus taught us: 


Holy One, you are within, around and among us.  
We celebrate your many names. 
Your wisdom come; your will be done, 
unfolding from the depths within us. 
Each day you give us all that we need. 
You remind us of our limits and we let go. 
You support us in our power, and we act with courage. 
For you are the dwelling place within us, 
the empowerment around us, 
and the celebration among us, 
now and forever, Amen.    Adapted by Miriam Therese Winter 

Final Blessing

(Kathie/Gayle/All) God’s Spirit strengthens us to carry out our ministry faithfully.  God’s Spirit calls us to heal and reconcile.  God’s Spirit guides us in our work for justice and peace for all.  God’s Spirit enlivens us in prophetic and liberating obedience. Go in peace and joy to celebrate the outpouring of the Spirit in your life and our world.

(Kathie) According to the Book of Acts, on the day of Pentecost there was a noise that filled the house-  let’s have a cacophony of joyful noise in our house too.  

Everyone online please unmute yourselves and please unmute the room and sing…Amen (Lilies of the Field) 

Closing Song: Blessings on the Community of the Upper Room


History of the Upper Room

The Upper Room, not yet named, began in Mary Theresa Streck’s living room in 2013. Mary Theresa continued her and her beloved Jay’s tradition of home church. Mary Theresa’s home was soon overflowing. By the time Mary Theresa was ordained on September 15, 2013, we were celebrating monthly liturgy at the Unitarian Church on Sundays at 2pm. 

The Spirit was strong and was calling our community to create our own space. In the spring of 2014 we moved to River Street in Troy. We replaced monthly Sunday afternoon liturgy with monthly Sunday morning liturgy. It was not long before we began gathering and celebrating every Sunday morning.  

Diarmund O’Murchu, author and social psychologist, was in Albany for a conference, which a number of us attended.  He came to our liturgy and celebrated Pentecost with us. O’Murchu offered the phrase, “I bring to the table” and it has been part of our Eucharistic celebration ever since. Our Theology of Blessing was evolving as our community was growing. 

We still needed to name ourselves. Honoring our value of inclusivity, we had several community discussions and many names were suggested. The Spirit led us to choose the name “The Upper Room”.

In the fall of 2016 our lease was unexpectedly not renewed and we were in search of a new space. The New Covenant Presbyterian Fellowship Hall was available and we were on our way to Albany.  Each Sunday we set up for liturgy and had coffee and social time before and after each celebration.  

When Covid 19 became an unexpected reality, we stopped meeting in person and began celebrating via zoom.  As Covid 19 negatively affected every aspect of   life across our country and the world, our zoom liturgical celebrations began growing.  People were zooming in from across the country and Canada.  At times to be sure, there were technical glitches, but we took them in stride and our liturgies, including the shared homily and musical videos, were more and more spiritually enriching.   We were growing closer to the Holy One and just as importantly we were developing closer relationships with everyone on Zoom.  

In 2021 with hopes of Covid 19 abating, we began planning to return in person but we had to find the technology to continue with our Zoom members too.  We are one Upper Room Community whether in person or on zoom. We want and need to stay together.

In the fall of 2021, after another extensive search, we found a new space on New Karner Road in Albany which accommodates our desire to celebrate liturgy simultaneously in person and on zoom. This is our sixth Upper Room home, starting in Mary Theresa’s living room, to the Unitarian Church, to River Street in Troy, to the New Covenant Fellowship Hall, to on line in Zoom, and now to New Karner Road. Each time we move our community grows and experiences the Holy One and one another in wonderful and amazing ways.  So our story continues…..